Weekly Timetable

Full Details of our class timetable and grades can be found on the parent portal.

Please see a guide of our current timetable.

Monday - Chessington Methodist Church

Senior ISTD Modern and Tap Classes

Tuesday - Surbiton Methodist Church

Junior RAD Ballet Classes

Wednesday - Surbiton Methodist Church

Intermediate ISTD Modern and Tap Classes

Thursday - Surbiton Methodist Church

Senior RAD Ballet Classes

Thursday - Chessington Methodist Church

Beginners / Junior RAD Ballet

Friday - Surbiton Methodist Church

Junior ISTD Modern and Tap

Saturday - Surbiton Methodist Church

Beginners Tap and Ballet

Musical Theatre Dance and Singing for all ages and levels

Drama and LAMDA

If you are enquiring about new classes, please e-mail info@arnouldschool.co.uk with your child’s name, age and any previous dance experience so we can best advise you of suitable classes.


Available Classes

The Arnould school pride themselves on offering a high standard of training with 100% success in RAD and ISTD examinations for dance, and more recently, in LAMDA drama examinations.

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Musical Theatre Classes

Incorporating a variety of dance styles, combined with singing and acting, these classes provides the children with the opportunity to see how the skills learnt translate to the stage, with an emphasis on musical theatre. The children will also work on flexibility and limbering.  Within the classes we have also been able to offer workshops with industry professionals who have worked on such shows as Grease and Starlight Express.

Drama Classes

Drama classes are taught in groups according to age with sessions including voice, text, character study, improvisation and games to develop the children’s self awareness, confidence and communication skills. L.A.M.D.A examinations are studied separately with individual tutorials to prepare the examination pieces. Each year a presentation of the children’s work is prepared for parents which usually includes group pieces studied in class and individual L.A.M.D.A pieces. 

I.S.T.D Modern Class

Studying the I.S.T.D modern syllabus introduces children to styles, including jazz which is used in the world of commercial theatre and the technique is developed through ballet. Children are able to take modern examinations following the I.S.T.D syllabus.

I.S.T.D Tap Class

Tap defines many of the classic Hollywood movie musicals and remains popular in many contemporary musical theatre productions. Tap helps to develop rhythm, style and timing. Children are able to take tap examinations following the I.S.T.D syllabus.

R.A.D Ballet Grade Class

Ballet is the foundation of all dance styles with an emphasis on technique and discipline. We follow the R.A.D syllabus for students wishing to take examinations. Many of our senior students also progress to working en Pointe.

Beginners and Improvers

Children start their dance training from the age of 2.5 or the term they turn 3 with ballet and tap both being taught in their 45 minute lesson. For children wishing to take examinations, the school will advise and invite the pupils when they are ready to attend the R.A.D ballet and I.S.T.D modern and tap classes.

Group Singing Classes

Singing lessons are taught in groups which allows the pupils to work on singing techniques, group harmonies and how to use the voice correctly. In classes the children will work on songs from pop to musical theatre.

Private Singing classes held in small groups by invitation only.

Other Information